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Call Cycle - Bulk & Temporary Cover Changes

Make permanent and temporary changes to multiple call cycle rows

Opmetrix Service Desk avatar
Written by Opmetrix Service Desk
Updated over 7 months ago

The bulk change feature enables call cycle rules to be tagged, then specific changes can be made to all the tagged rules.

Rules can be tagged individually or select the 'tag all' option at the very top of the tag column to select all.

Tip : Apply Visit and Vendor filters first making it easy to then use the tag all option

Bulk Change

Once rules have been tagged, select the action menu that appears and select Bulk Change

Select the properties you wish to change on the tagged rules.

In the example below the date these changes come into effect is set (to today) and the Device (Sales rep) for these rules is being changed from Oliver to Natasha.

Many properties including frequency, time, duration, device, outlet or vendor can be selected at once and will all changed at once.

Note the number of rules being changed (8 in this example) and select Apply

The bulk changes have now been Applied

Temporary (Cover Change)

The same process can be used to apply a temporary change

Repeat the steps above - Tag Rows, Select Action, Select Bulk change and apply the parameters you wish to change including the start date of when this temporary change should start.

Select Temporary change and enter the date this temporary change should finish. Note the number of rules being changed (8 in this example) and select Apply

Because temporary change was selected, instead of updating the existing rows, Opmetrix creates an additional set of temporary rules. Note the start and end dates of when they are active.

During those dates these rules will apply and after the end date the original rules will again be the active rules. Temporary rules take precedence of the original rules for that time period.

Further Articles

Call Cycle Bulk View Articles for Opmetrix Administrators

The following articles demonstrate how to use the Bulk View features in Call Cycles

Multi Vendor Articled for Opmetrix Administrators

the following articles demonstrate how to sue the Multi Vendor Call Cycle management features for Brokerage and Sales and Marketing Agencies.

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