Portfolios are a handy way to automatically generate reports then distribute them either internally to your team or externally to customer or vendors.
For general information on how to maintain Portfolios please read this article
Report Size - Attachment vs Link
Opmetrix Portfolios are mostly sent as a PDF Attached to an email. In the example below there is a PDF file that can be downloaded or previewed as part of the email.
However, some reports can be very large in size, especially if they are photo based reports which may contain hundreds of images.
Email systems often have an upper limit so that large files are blocked from being received. To overcome this, if the Portfolio reports are over 10 MB in size, Opmetrix will switch and send a weblink instead of attaching a PDF file to the email.
If Opmetrix sends a weblink, the report is available by clicking the text at the top of the email.
The report then opens in a web browser. The user can choose to view it online or download a file copy. The download buttons varies depending on your computer and operating system however it typically looks like an arrow similar to the icon highlighted below.
Weblink Expiry
Weblinks are only available for 7 days from the date sent. After 7 days the link expires and the user will see an Error notification.
See also