This article describes Opmetrix HQ 7.0 reports.
NOTE: all the reports that were available your prior version of the Opmetrix CMS are still available. While the location (and in some cases the naming) of reports may have changed, the functionality has all been preserved. Nothing has been removed.
New Report Screen Layout
The main elements of the new screen are shown below, with an example of the previous report layout following.
Take a little time to see what differences you can notice, but don’t worry about missing anything – every detail is covered in this article.
The main change is the way we’ve designed the system so you can dig down further into any given line of the report.
Instead of the previous "Dig" functionality (which was shown by the word Dig in small black letters underlined), wherever the words or numbers in a report line now display in blue, then when you hover your mouse over it, the familiar internet link blue underline will display along with a helpful text prompt that tells you what further information you can see by clicking the link.
An example of "mouse over hover" is shown next.
Once you click the link, instead of accessing an entirely new screen (as was the case in the prior version), the extra information is now displayed as a scrollable pop up window, as shown in the next screen example.
Note that to sort the order of display for any column, you can click the column headings in a pop up window to sort up or down exactly as you can in the main report window.
To use pop up windows, there are three controls located in top upper right of the new pop up window:
Click the Diagonal Arrows icon to proceed to the report relevant to your pop up window. (In this case, instead of returning to the Time In Store report you would access the Customer report.)
Click the Share icon to email, export or print the contents of the pop up window.
Click the X icon to close the pop up window.
This is a significant improvement in efficiency when compared to the prior version as it now means you don’t have to have to click back and forwards between separate screens. In other words, it literally halves the amount of time you need to dig down to the next layer of information on any report. (We’re happy to say goodbye to Dig!!! It was great but this is better!)
Using Filters is an important part of tailoring the report outputs to suit your own needs.
There’s not a lot of difference between filtering in the new system compared to the old system.
Take a moment to see the two screens below and you will see that functionally, the two screens are more or less the same (the only difference being that the prior system had been configured to enable more Outlet Hierarchies than the new system).
Other differences are:
The filters are grouped together by relevance vertically, not in large horizontal slabs.
The group of filters to do with dates are now labelled DATE PERIOD, not Standard Options.
Report-specific filters are now labelled REPORT-SPECIFIC FILTERS, not Report-Specific Options.
To clear or apply filters, the new system has much larger buttons labelled Clear and Apply (as opposed to the previously labelled Clear Filters and Apply Filters).
Click the X in top right of filter pop-up to close it (in the old system, you clicked the upwards double chevron and the filter options screen closed sliding upwards).
The last main difference is visual – Opmetrix HQ 7.0 report screens presenta much cleaner layout that is much easier to read when compared to its predecessor.
Individual report lines are in a slightly larger font and there is more white space between columns and lines, all of which greatly improves readability.
To sort any report, you can click the column headings (in blue) exactly as per the previous version to sort the report order up or down in relation to the column heading you select.
Standard Action Buttons
As for screens and reports throughout the new system, towards the upper right of the active screen area (in the middle of the image shown below) there are four standard action buttons:
Smart Search
These buttons incorporate and improve on the functionality previously accessed in prior versions from the buttons and controls shown below.
The new standard action buttons are:
Save – this is a direct match to the previous Save button and, instead of a star, this now shows as a Heart.
Share – this incorporates Email, Export and Print from prior versions. Click on the Share button and a drop-down menu will present with the three options. This shows as what will be familiar to many as the standard Android share icon.
Filter – this replaces the previous double downward chevron icon that showed to the right of the Smart Search box in prior versions. This shows as a Funnel icon.
Smart Search – this is a direct match to the previous Smart Search facility. Instead of an empty box, this now presents as a button with a magnifying glass icon next to the words Smart Search.
At the bottom of the partial screen area shown above, you will also notice the new buttons that show the names of the individual filters currently applied to this particular report. (This is an improvement to prior versions which displayed the active filters as plain text beneath the report name.) You can click on these filter buttons to adjust individual filter settings or click on the new Filter icon (next to Smart Search) to adjust settings for multiple filters.
The sample screen shown below shows the Date Filter drop down screen which displays when you click on the individual date filter setting for the current report.
The next sample screen shown below shows the Outlet Type Filter drop down screen which displays when you click on the individual date filter setting for the current report.
See also