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Portfolio Maintenance

Create and schedule groups of multiple reports to send to one or more recipients daily, weekly or monthly

Opmetrix Service Desk avatar
Written by Opmetrix Service Desk
Updated over 4 years ago

Opmetrix can automatically email reports in PDF or Excel format to update management and field teams on a scheduled basis. 

Reports can be sent singly or in portfolios - a portfolio is a group of reports that can customised to be automatically sent to any group of users.

Use this facility to see existing report portfolios or your Opmetrix Administrator can configure a new portfolio of reports, and their format, recipients and frequency. 

It's easy to see how a Sales Manager might benefit from setting up one or more portfolios that automatically sent field staff KPIs direct to the management inbox whenever desired.

To access the Portfolio Maintenance screen click on the User Drop-down Menu and select Scheduled Portfolios.

The Portfolio Maintenance screen then displays. Click on the Add Portfolio button to add a new portfolio or click to select an existing report from a list shown.

The Add Portfolio pop-up window displays next.

Fields and other controls (buttons, check boxes etc) are:

  • Title - give the new portfolio a name

  • Send as - select PDF (the default) or Excel

  • Only send if not empty (checkbox) - click this checkbox to only send the portfolio if the report(s) contain data i.e. don't send any null result or empty reports

  • Description - give the portfolio a description so someone else can understand what it's about

  • Recipients - for each recipient, enter their email, their first name and click the Add Recipient button to add a further recipient

  • Recurrence - select one of Daily, Weekly or Monthly. The date for Daily will default to "tonight" and cannot be changed (it will be sent at midnight). You can select what day of the week (Weekly) or what date of the month (Monthly) that the report portfolio will be sent.

  • Saved Reports - select any of the saved reports to add to the portfolio. Click the Add Report button 

  • Red X - click the red X to remove an adjacent line (recipient or report)

  • Save - click to save the report portfolio 

  • Cancel - click to cancel creating the report portfolio (clicking the blue X in top right corner of the screen has the same result)

You can review your portfolio by clicking the 'resend' icon. This will send it to your email to review, prior to finalising and adding it to the portfolio dispatch queue.

Portfolios can be sent out daily, weekly or monthly, and are dispatched from the Opmetrix engine at 11pm New Zealand Time.

Australian customers can subtract the appropriate difference depending on Time Zone and any variance in respective Daylight Savings settings. The baseline differences mean portfolios would be dispatched at 7pm Western Australia, 8.30pm South Australia/Northern Territory and 9pm the remaining states.

Tips on Portfolios

Use the correct reporting period

If you are sending a daily portfolio then the saved reports should have a reporting period set to today. This means the daily portfolio will contain today’s data only.

Similarly, a weekly report should have saved reports set to a weekly reporting period.

An exception might be budgets which might be sent weekly but the sales accumulate monthly. The reporting period for the saved budget report would then be monthly.

Use the preset date ranges rather than hard setting custom dates for regular reports. The presets display to the left of the calendar when you set the dates as shown below.

Limit your data

If you create a saved report that has too much data, or photos in the PDF attachment are very large, create saved reports for smaller time- frames and test the portfolio to ensure the files are not too big to receive in a normal email.

Check the email log

An Opmetrix administrator has access to an email log. This shows which emails Opmetrix has sent or if there are any issues with the email queue. We recommend the Opmetrix Administrator checks this log regularly.

See also

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