The Route Maps area provides a visual representation of field team activity and performance collected in Opmetrix.
The Route Maps module sits under the Dashboards section in Opmetrix, and is shown as a globe icon when the side menu is collapsed.
Route Maps is made up of three separate dashboards:
Live Agent
The Live Agent consolidates multiple sources of Opmetrix data, including live location, store visit data, and workday entries into a visual dashboard.ย
This dashboard is interactive, and allows for greater transparency within teams. Team performance opportunities are also enhanced in the form of route optimisation and call cycle planning.ย
Please note that reps must have a number of settings enabled on their device for Live Agent.
Location Settings (and Motion and Fitness settings for Apple devices) must be turned on. The 'on duty' button in the Opmetrix App must also be enabled. Best practice is that the reps must go 'on duty' at the start of the day, and 'off duty' at the end of the day. Please contact our support team for further information.
Call Coverage
The Call Coverage dashboard visually shows stores visited (or not visited) over a period of time.ย
The green tick indicates stores visited, whilst the red cross indicates stores not visited.
Product Coverage
The Product Coverage dashboard visually shows stores with (or without) product sales over a period of time.
The green icon indicates a sale has occured for the store, whilst the red icon indicates no sale.