The following modules can be set as a task in an outlet visit in the app:
Calling Cards
Adding a Task
For each of the modules above, simply check In List and In Task List in HQ settings for it to appear in the app.
Calling Cards is an exception since they will appear as a task in an outlet visit by default.
One Off Tasks
One-off tasks can now be created in the following modules:
See this page for further details
Setting Tasks Compulsory
The following modules can be set as compulsory during an outlet visit.
Calling Cards
Simply select the compulsory checkbox for each individual Survey and Merchandising template setup.
Calling Cards can be set as compulsory across all calling cards for all reps under the site wide HQ setting Calling Cards Compulsory.
Compulsory Task Modes
There are 2 modes of compulsory tasks.
By default, a soft compulsory task mode is in place which gives the rep a warning about incomplete tasks, but they can still exit the outlet if they wish.
A HQ setting Force Tasks Compulsory can be turned on which forces the rep to complete all compulsory tasks before exiting the outlet.