To create a Call Cycle in the Opmetrix CMS, click on the "Call Cycle" tab from the left-side menu, and navigate to the "Call Cycle Maintenance" page. The following will be shown on screen.
A Call Cycle is comprised of a series of visits to individual stores or outlets. Click on "Add Rule" to add a single store visit to your Call Cycle.ย
Complete all the fields as you require.
Outlet - Which outlet (store) will be visited
Device - Which field team user will visit that outlet
Start and End Date - Enter the dates you want (or choose "No Expiry" if there is no end date)
Time - What time will the field member visit the outlet
Position - If start times are not used, enter in a position e.g. 01,02,03 or A,B,C. (Note: we suggest spacing out the positions (e.g. 01,03,05 or 01,05,09,13 etc) to make room for rescheduling a journey plan by inserting a new outlet visit or visits between the existing outlet visits).
Duration - How long will the visit take.
Frequency - How often will the field member visit this outlet (one off, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly).
Recurrence - Automatic repetition of the scheduled journey plan based on the number of repeats, and day that this should repeat on.
Comment - Comments can be added to a journey plan. The comments may reflect how long a staff member should spend on each vendor, or what tasks they should be completing during their store visit. The comment will appear in the journey plan view of the Opmetrix App as shown next.
The comment will also appear within that store visit.
Click "Save as Live" to make this Call Cycle rule effective immediately, or "Save as Draft" to save the rule, until it is made live at a later stage.
See also