Bulk End Date Call Cycle Vendor Rules

Steps to update your Call Cycle Vendor Rules End Dates in Bulk

Written by Oliver Rae
Updated over a week ago

If you find the need to update many of your Call Cycle Vendor Rules at once then the following guide will assist you in doing so.

Step 1:

Navigate to Call Cycle Bulk Maintenance Report (Call Cycle => Call Cycle Maintenance => Bulk Tab)

Screenshot of Call Cycle Bulk Rules

Step 2:

Select Filter button in top right hand corner of report

Filter to the Vendor you want to bulk change

You should see a screen similar to below

Step 3:

Select all Rules by clicking on the Square on the header of the report.

This will select all of the Rules in the page (If there are more than 50 rules in your selection you will need to click on the "Select all XXXX" pop up that appears)

Step 4:

Select Actions and then Export to Excel

Step 5:

Open the Excel File you have just created (we recommend making a backup copy at this time). The file will show all of the rules you have selected in previous steps.

Step 6:

You now need to filter the rules to only show the "child" rules, these are the vendor rules we want to update. Please do not alter the parent rules in any way as this may cause data integrity issues.

You will find the column labelled Rule Type and filter to Child as shown below.

Your results should now only show the Rule Type of Child.

Step 7:

You are now able to enter the End Date for your selected Child rules.

Once you are happy with the End Dates set you can save this Excel file and navigate back to the Opmetrix HQ Bulk Maintenance page.

Step 8:

Select Actions and then Import from Excel, select the file you just saved and select Open

The system will check the file and load in the changes to your rules end dates as shown below

You have now successfully updated your Vendor Rule End Dates

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