An Opmetrix Administrator is responsible for Master Data such as customer, product and pricing data. This data often changes so the Opmetrix Administrator must ensure the data is updated in a timely manner. For most systems this will be developed into an automated importing procedure from an accounting system, while other Opmetrix users may complete this task manually.
This article will show you a step by step guide on how to manually update master data.
Navigate to Opmetrix HQ site and login
On the Opmetrix menu, select Settings > Master Data File Manager
In the Master Data File Manager page, download the csv data file.
(For this guide, customer will be the sample data)
Add the new customers to the csv file and save it under the same file name.
Once saved, upload the updated csv file.
Select the "Make live Now" button to import the data.
You have now managed to update the Master Data and have been imported to Opmetrix.