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Product Attribute Matrix

Product Attribute Matrix in Opmetrix HQ and App

Natasha Sahi avatar
Written by Natasha Sahi
Updated over a year ago

The new Product Attribute Matrix system allow you to define products within Opmetrix for display purposes. For example, you can define products as being new, ranged in store or focus lines for specific stores.

The way that our new Product Attribute Matrix differs from existing functionality, is that it will allow you to define these products in specific ways i.e. in categories of stores, specific stores etc. The Product Attributes will appear in the Retail Execution V2 module as a column after setting up a Retail Execution Template.

Setting up Product Attribute Labels

Navigate to Settings > Product Extra Fields to set up the label for the Product Attribute. In this example, I will be setting up a Ranged label to define products that should be ranged in specific stores. I will then set up a Retail Execution Template to gather information on whether the product(s) are actually ranged in the relevant stores.

Click Add Product Extra Field

In the Field Label write the name of the Product Attribute

Select the Type of data in the dropdown. Note: we support Text, Number and Yes/No types for Product Attributes. Dates and Dropdowns are not supported.

In this example, I am selecting Yes/No as I want to only specify whether skus are ranged or not ranged in store. This will show as a tick/cross in the App.

Select Maintain via Product Attribute Matrix.

Hit Save, and this label will appear in the Product Extra Fields area.

Setting up Product Attribute Rules

Now that you have set up your Product Attribute Label, you can now specify your Product Attribute Rules (i.e. which skus should be shown as ranged in which stores).

Navigate to Settings > Product Attribute Maintenance.

Click Add Rule

There are two ways to specify your rules:

Matrix by Category Hierarchy where you can specify your attribute rule against a group of Outlets/Products or a few specific Outlets/Products.

List by Outlet and Product where you can specify your attribute rule against specific outlets and products only via an Excel file upload.

We recommend using the Matrix by Category Hierarchy, especially if you already have Product and Outlet Categories defined in your Opmetrix system.

In this example, I would like to specify that all of my Bluebird products are ranged in New World and Pak N Save Stores.

In the Name area write the name of the Product Attribute rule for reference.

In the Attribute dropdown select the Product Attribute Label that you had added (in this example, Ranged)

Add the Start and End Dates which will define how long the rule should be set for.

To add Products/Outlets/Categories, click on the All Outlets area.

You can add multiple Outlets/Products and/or Outlet Categories/Product Categories at once into the Targets area. Save to apply. Here I have selected New World and Pak n Save.

In the Not Set area, tap once to show a Tick (i.e. Product should show as Ranged in store), or twice to show a cross (i.e. Product should show as Not Ranged in store).

Add your Targets to the Products area to follow, and your final Product Attribute rule should appear like the below.

Note, you can always click on the + button to add more Rows/Columns as required. Note: There is a limit of 15 Rows and 100 Columns that you can add for one rule.

Click on the Swap Axis at any time to swap the Products/Outlets as Rows/Columns.

Setting up Product Attributes to appear in a Retail Execution V2 Template

Now that I have set up my Product Attribute Rule, I will need to add this as a Column in my Retail Execution V2 Template.

Navigate to Retail Execution > Column Design.

Click Add Column.

Fill out the required fields below.

The Name should match the Product Attribute Label you had created in the Product Extra Fields area above. In this example, I will add Ranged.

Select Read Only (as this is only used for visibility purposes in the App).

In Data Sources, select from Product Extra Field, then select the Product Extra Field (i.e. Ranged) in the dropdown.

(The Data Type will automatically appear once you select the Product Extra Field).

Hit Save.

Next, you will need to add the column to the Retail Execution V2 template In the Template Design area. Please contact our support team on further information about setting up a Retail Execution V2 template.

Once you have created a Retail Execution V2 Template, your Product Attribute will appear in the App within an audit.

There is now a pre-defined Ranged column which shows all the Bluebird products being Ranged in Pak n Save and New World Stores (once you enter those specific stores in the App). This is followed by another Ranged column which is prompting the field team to specify whether the products are actually ranged in store.

For more information on the new Product Attribute Matrix system, please contact our friendly support team.

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