Add and define additional columns to display on the subtotal screen within a transaction with the Transaction Custom Columns feature in Opmetrix.
This is particularly useful if you have specific processes in your business.
An example of how you can use the Transaction Custom Columns module is if your reps must specify whether they have picked and/or supplied goods to a customer. You can add these columns into the App on the subtotal screen of a transaction.
The steps to configure the custom columns are as followed:
In Opmetrix HQ, navigate to Settings > System Settings. In the Smart Search bar, type Custom Column. You will now see all settings applicable for this module.
Navigate to the Enable Transaction Custom Columns setting, and set to True to enable.
Next, you can change the Transaction Custom Columns label to match your business process. This label will change in HQ and the App.
Next, define the transactions for the custom columns to display in via the Transaction Custom Columns Trans Types Setting. This setting also sits in the Settings > System Settings area. Note: the columns you configure in HQ will be the same across all transactions you choose here, and the transactions shown are based on the configuration of your system.
If you would like your field team to fill out the columns before accepting a transaction, you can make this compulsory in the Transaction Custom Columns Compulsory Trans Types.
You are now ready to set up the custom columns to display in the App. Navigate to the Transactions tab. You will see your label under the Maintenance area and you can add custom columns here. In this case, it is called Pick and Pack Maintenance.
In the Maintenance area, click Add Column. Set the Name of the column. Next select the Data Type (Tick Cross, Number or Decimal) for data entry.
You can add multiple columns by selecting the Add Column button again.
Once you have defined the columns, you can change the Sort Order (i.e. the order that the columns appear on the App) by clicking the up/down arrows.
The columns will display in the App on the subtotal screen when selecting the label you have named (Pick and Pack in this example).
Transaction Custom Columns in App
You can always toggle back and forth between the two screens by selecting the label on the left hand side menu.
Transaction Custom Columns Reporting
To report on this information, navigate to Opmetrix HQ. Select Transactions > Transaction Detail Lines.
Select the Layout button and add the columns into the report. You can customise this report as necessary. To learn more about our new Layout Picker, navigate here.
Note: For custom email and print templates, please contact our support team for further information.