Before creating a new order or invoice it can be useful to complete a stock count of what is currently on the shelf. Having this information at hand when negotiating and order with a buyer saves valuable time. It also reduces out-of-stocks, as Opmetrix displays the order and stock-on-hand history, helping to maximise on-shelf stock levels.
How to Complete a Stock Count
In the Sales order and Invoice product list there is a column called stock count. Enter the current product quantities on the shelf in this field. ย
Another option is to tap on the product to display the full product detail and enter the quantity in the stock count field.
Review the Stock Levels
Once stock counts have been entered, tap the filter button and select show counted only. This displays only the items with current stock on hand. Use this screen to work with the buyer to determine what products need ordering today and enter the ordered quantities into the QTY field.ย
Use stock count History to help optimise stock levels
View the sales history columns to help review previous stock levels and order values to optimise what stock level should be maintained.
Note: This stock on hand feature is an optional setting that can be enabled/disabled. Contact Opmetrix support via the chat icon below who can help you to enable it.