The Product Matrix in Opmetrix is an easy way to separate and organise a product list, enabling selling in ranges, sizes or styles. Let's look at some examples
Eyewear - Range of Prescription Strengths
For example in eyewear, select a frame and see the available prescription strengths ranging from A to F. Customers often buy a range of the same item and this is fast and convenient to sell this way.
Beverage - Display By Brand
Organise wine, spirits and beer products by range, alcohol strength or winery then browse through each section purchasing a range of each category.
List Mode
Instead of all products being displayed in one big scrolling list, they are shown in categories. Each category can be expanded/collapsed by tapping the arrow indicator beside the category name.
Tip: To expand/collapse all tap the very top arrow indicator
Setup and Configuration
The expandable/collapsable lists are based on the assignable product categories in Opmetrix.
To enable, go to Master Settings and search for Sales Group Products. Select the product category that best groups your products.
Tip : multiple product categories may be added creating a hierarchy for products. In the example below the main Product Matrix is set to Brand, then organised by Unit.
In the App, the Brand categories are displayed
When a brand is expanded the next level (unit) is displayed
Note : we recommend using a maximum of two Product Matrix levels
Eg. Brand / Unit
Eg. Range / Size
Eg. Colour / Size
When searching for text, Opmetrix will search the product Matrix categories and the products too and display any categories with matching results