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Dashboards - Creating your first HQ Dashboard

Creating dashboards

Opmetrix Service Desk avatar
Written by Opmetrix Service Desk
Updated over 3 years ago

Who can create Dashboards?

Anyone with an Opmetrix HQ login can create dashboards. The dashboards belong and are visible only to that user's login, and data is automatically restricted to their level of access. Admin - can view all data, Supervisor - only views data for the team they manage.

Dashboards can be shared to other users by creating a public link and sending the link to them.

Create your first dashboard

Navigate to Dashboards in the menu and select the Add button.

*Note the team dashboard is a fixed dashboard and always visible

Give your dashboard a name and select whether this dashboard is for HQ (Head office) or available in the Opmetrix Mobile app for the field team.

Select a suitable Icon and colour choice for the dashboard and select Add.

This will create an empty dashboard. Select Actions then Add Tile to create a new dashboard tile.

There are three main tile groups. Sales tiles, merchandising tiles (retail execution), and preset tiles. In this example we will add a preset tile.

Select Preset Tiles. A list of preset tiles covering a range of commonly used KPI's are available. Select 'Call Coverage (Percent)' to add your first tile.

The tile will be added to the page.

  • the four way arrow icon (top right) enables the tile to be moved to any position on the page.

  • the two way arrow icon (bottom right) enables the tile to be expanded or reduced in size.

  • The pencil Icon enables the tile to be renamed or deleted from the page.

Adding Sales and Merch Tiles

Sales and Merch tiles are 'matrix' styled tiles. This means the chart type X axis, Y axis, and Unit - how much data to display are all configurable. Matrix tiles enable users to create tiles that best represent the KPI's wanted to display for the business.

Chart Types

There are 5 chart types available.

Add a tile (under the actions menu) and select the 'Sales Tile' tab. Select the chart that best represents the data needed.

Select the Chart X and Chart Y Values to display.

The Unit specifies how much data to include in the tile. For example First (top) 10 products or Last (bottom) 10 products.

Keep in mind that if a chart is created with thousands of products, it would be too small to read and take too long to load in a web browser. Keep these simple and easy to use.

Next Steps

We have covered adding new dashboards and tiles. The next topics will cover applying filters and dates to dashboards.

Dashboards - Creating your first HQ Dashboard

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