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Smart Route - Route Optimisation and Planning

Route Optimisation, Live Traffic updates and Dynamic Call Cycle Planning

Opmetrix Service Desk avatar
Written by Opmetrix Service Desk
Updated over 4 years ago

Whether you prefer a pre-set cycle based static route or your customer visits are opportunity led or dynamic based on region, Opmetrix Smart Route reviews your scheduled visits and optimises the order of these based on drive time and live traffic conditions.

As the day progresses Opmetrix will adjust the visit order and route to ensure minimum drive time and traffic delays.

Opmetrix Smart Route achieves a 20% average reduction in drive time resulting in fewer kilometres travelled, an increase in call coverage, reduction in CO2 emissions and less time spent call planning

Device Compatibility

Smart Route is included for all Opmetrix users who use an Android or Apple Tablet. It is not available in the Windows Tablets and later this year Opmetrix will release Smart Route for the smartphone version of Opmetrix.

An In depth Look

This video is an 11 minute video covering all the features of Smart Route and demonstrating the differences between Standard and Pro Versions.


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