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Product Visibility Maintenance

Define the product range(s) that customers have access to in the Field App or B2B eCommerce.

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Written by Opmetrix Service Desk
Updated over 4 years ago

In Opmetrix, product visibility rules can be created which define the product(s)/range(s) that are available for a customer, or group of customers to purchase.

These rules can be set to show or hide products either in the mobile Field App, or in the self service Opmetrix B2B eCommerce module.

Why Limit Products?

There are many reasons to restrict products for certain customers. Here are some common scenarios;

  • Restricted products by law - Some states may allow certain products to be purchased, whilst other states restrict these. E.g. vaping equipment.

  • Home brands -  Grocery chains have their own product brands which can only be purchased for specific stores. E.g. pams products in New World.

  • Certification required -  Products may be pharmacy or dispensary only, requiring certification to purchase. E.g. medicines.

  • Competing brands - Ranges or brands may only be available in selected stores. E.g. Apple products

  • Head Office agreements -  certain banner groups may stock products whilst other do not.  E.g. Caltex service stations stock one brand, whilst BP stations stock another brand

 Visibility Rules Maintenance

Opmetrix users with Admin access to HQ can create rules.  Product Visibility Maintenance is found in the Maintenance section of the Transactions tab.

Add Rules

Select Add Rule to create a template. There are three sections to complete;

Section 1  - Rule Definition

Set a name for the rule and select if this rule applies to the Field App and/or the B2B eCommerce Module.  

Rule type 

Defines if the products you add are to be excluded or included for the customer(s).   Often there may be multiple rules e.g. "exclude all of the automotive type products but include car batteries" will require two rules; the exclude rule and then the include rule.

Section 2 - Product Targets

Switch between the product categories tab and the products tab to add products either individually or by a range of products based on the categories you have available in your Opmetrix system.  

Note: the default target is all products. E.g. if you create an exclude rule for "all products", the customers product list would be empty.

Multiple ranges of products and products themselves can be added within one template.  The example below shows that the entire Berocca range is available. Additionally, the customer(s) can purchase Burger Rings and Cheezels

Section 3 - Customer Targets

Select the customer(s) or customer group(s) that this rule should apply too, then tap Add.  In the example below, all 4 Square stores are included as well as some individual Fresh Choice stores.

Typical Configuration

A typical scenario is likely to involve two rules. In the example below the first rule excludes all products for the 4 Square stores. The second rule then includes the snack ranges (in the example above) for the 4 square stores.

More Information

Once there are multiple rules in the system, customers and products may end up in appearing in more than one group of rules. 

Read the next article on how to check a customer or product to see the visibility rules that apply.

Help Article  - Visibility Maintenance Enquiry

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