Stock indicators show when a product is low on stock or out of stock. The indicators help to reduce back-orders. They also focus sale teams to sell stock that is available in the warehouse, or allow them to call and check before selling products that are low in stock.
Note: Field users need only understand what the indicators mean. Any changes to base settings must be made by your system's Opmetrix Administrator.
Low or out of stock products can be indicated within the Opmetrix App. The indicators are displayed whilst in Product List mode or Product Image mode.
An orange flag shown against a product will indicate that a product is low in stock, whilst a red flag shows that a product is out of stock.
List Mode
Image Mode
The minimum values against which products to show as low or out of stock are settings that can be configured.
WARNING: Only change any of these settings if you are an Opmetrix Administrator and fully understand the consequences of making this system-wide change.
The following settings are used to enable and configure the Stock Indicator feature.
Name: Low stock label
Description: Editing the low stock indicator name.
Opmetrix Setting: lowStockIndicatorLabel
Options: Edit the label name - maximum 10 characters.
Name: Indicating low stock values
Description: Indicates the stock value at which the low stock indicator should appear.
Opmetrix Setting: lowStockIndicatorValue
Options: Change the numeric value. Note: if the indicator value is blank, the label will not show.
Name: No stock label
Description: Editing the no stock indicator name.
Opmetrix Setting: noStockIndicatorLabel
Options: Edit the label name - maximum 10 characters.
Name: Indicating no stock values
Description: Indicates the stock value at which the no stock indicator should appear.
Opmetrix Setting: noStockIndicatorValue
Options: Change the numeric value (typically 0). Note: if the indicator value is blank, the label will not show.
You should only change the above if you are an Opmetrix Administrator and are confident to configure the system. If not, please contact us.