Creating a Saved List
Opmetrix eCommerce allows your customers to save their shopping carts. This feature is useful for those customers who order certain items regularly, or wish to make re-ordering a simple and fast process.
Once items are added to a shopping cart, customers have the ability to save their shopping carts by navigating to the 'Cart' button and clicking 'Save As New List'. Customers also can name their carts for easy access. Note: the system is not limited to saving only one list; multiple lists can be saved into the eCommerce platform.
Modifying a saved list is a simple task. Items can be added, deleted, or the number of items can be modified. The modified cart can then be saved again. To modify a saved list, customers must simply click on the 'Add Item to Cart' button on the list that they wish to modify.
See also
My Saved Lists (this article)