Retail Execution Overview
Opmetrix Retail Execution is used by field teams to audit product ranges in store. These audits help teams understand how products and ranges are distributed and represented across different regions and store banners. The information that is captured helps managers to improve product ranging, monitor new product distribution (NPD) drives, measure stock health, and compare share of shelf/price data.
Audit/Template Types
Distribution (Ranged, In Stock, On Promo, Price, Notes)
Share of Shelf (Facings, Position, Notes)
Price Ordered (Price, RRP, On Promotion, Notes)
Merch Template Maintenance
Navigate to the “Retail Execution” tab (AKA “Merch History” tab), scroll down and select the “Merch Template Maintenance” report from the bottom left of your screen. Select “Add Template” to create a new Merchandising Audit. Fill out the details for the new template as detailed below in this article.
Note: You will need to have access to the “Retail Execution” module (AKA “Merch History”) in order to access these functions. If the “Merch Template Maintenance” report is not visible in your Opmetrix App, contact the Opmetrix support team to enable this feature.
Details - Configure your template settings
Template Name - Give a title to your audit e.g. “Core Range – North Island”.
Template Type - Chose from one of the template types mentioned above (Distribution, Share of Shelf, Price Ordered).
History Auto Load - Set to “Auto” to automatically populate audit history based on the previous audit for that store.
In Task List - Check this box to display the audit in the main task list in-store.
Compulsory Task - Check this box to highlight the audit red. Field users will also be automatically prompted within their Opmetrix App if they leave store without completing the audit.
Start/End Date - Optionally enter dates by which the audit should start or finish being visible to the field team.
Products - Configure the selection of products to include in your audit
Adding Products
Add From Products - Enables you to choose SKUs from your product list.
Add Category - Enables you to choose a selection of SKUs based on product group.
Add Manual Product - Enables you to manually enter a product that may not be in your Opmetrix SKU list (useful for auditing competing SKUs and ranges).
Configuring Products
Mandatory Product - Check this box to warn the field user if they don’t audit this item.
In Store Code - Input in-store codes to display alongside your SKUs.
Product RRP - Display an RRP (recommended retail price) in the field.
Facing - Specify the recommended number of facings per SKU.
Targets - Define the outlets for which your audit will be required and display
Outlet Categories - Choose which customer groups to target.
Outlet - Choose individual outlets from your list to target.
Import Outlet Codes - Target a specific list of stores by copying a list of outlet codes.