Postcode and Address Searches

Optionally search for customers by Postcode or Address

Opmetrix Service Desk avatar
Written by Opmetrix Service Desk
Updated over a week ago

By default the customer search option searches on the customer code and customer name; however sometimes it can be useful to search for customers by a postcode or address. There is an optionally enabled setting in Opmetrix to include Postcode and Address as a search option.

Once enabled, the usual customer search options apply.

Optional Setting (for Opmetrix Administrator)

Searching by postcode and address is an optional setting that is enabled by the Opmetrix Administrator.

Setting: outletSearchColumns
Options: Multi choice select (Name, Code Address, Post Code)
Default Setup: Name and Code

If this would be helpful, please contact your Opmetrix Administrator or chat to one of our friendly support staff.

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